The Orchos Chaim Kollel is a part time (morning) Kollel with approximately 15 avreichim studying on a daily basis. The avreichim are both local from Givat Ze'ev, and from out of town, mostly from the neighboring Yerushalayim, especially from the Ramot neighborhood. The avreichim are both anglos as well Israeli. A few of them are graduates from Orchos Chaim in its former incarnation as a ba'al teshuva yeshiva.
Both Rabbi Schwartz and Rabbi Yochanan Lombard run the Kollel, and are the Roshei Kollel.
Orchos Chaim recognizes the crucial need to promote the study of Torah, in particular the areas of Torah law (Choshen Mishpat) that pertain to monetary, civil and interpersonal relationships. Orchos Chaim conducts an exclusive learning program for a select group of young scholars who are studying to become experts in halacha with special emphasis on these areas.
We have around 15 outstanding avreichim from several different backgrounds learning in two distinct learning programs. One group focuses on the study of Choshen Mishpat along with all the relevant sources from the Talmud. The second group focuses upon the study of Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deiah. Many of these avreichim have expressed their appreciation for what Orchos Chaim has brought into their lives, a quality and depth of learning and hashkafah that they had never before experienced
Both Rabbi Schwartz and Rabbi Yochanan Lombard run the Kollel, and are the Roshei Kollel.
Orchos Chaim recognizes the crucial need to promote the study of Torah, in particular the areas of Torah law (Choshen Mishpat) that pertain to monetary, civil and interpersonal relationships. Orchos Chaim conducts an exclusive learning program for a select group of young scholars who are studying to become experts in halacha with special emphasis on these areas.
We have around 15 outstanding avreichim from several different backgrounds learning in two distinct learning programs. One group focuses on the study of Choshen Mishpat along with all the relevant sources from the Talmud. The second group focuses upon the study of Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deiah. Many of these avreichim have expressed their appreciation for what Orchos Chaim has brought into their lives, a quality and depth of learning and hashkafah that they had never before experienced